
#12: CTSNet Beat Podcast: Diaphragm Plication, Robotic Alternatives, Reducing Unnecessary X-rays, Job Highlights

This Beat episode, hosted by Brian Mitzman MD, general thoracic surgeon with the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, focuses on two recent CTSNet videos: robotic diaphragm plication and "robotic-alternative" instrumentation. He then looks into a recent Annals of Thoracic Surgery publication analyzing how to decrease overutilization of postoperative chest X-rays. Finally, Dr Mitzman takes a dive into the current CT surgery job market. For more information on this episode's topics, links are provided:

  1. Kraev A, Gregory J, Counts S. Robotic Left Diaphragm Plication Using Automatic (Cor-Knot) Device. CTSNet. February 2021. doi:10.25373/ctsnet.13957454
  2. Dunning J, Colman A. VATS Wristed Instruments in a Middle Lobectomy and Control of Bleeding. CTSNet. February 2021. doi:10.25373/ctsnet.14047058
  3. Porter ED, Kelly JL, Fay KA, Hasson RM, Millington TM, Finley DJ, et al. Reducing Unnecessary Chest X-Ray Films After Thoracic Surgery: A Quality Improvement Initiative. Ann Thorac Surg. 2021;111:1012-1018.
  4. CTSNet Career Center

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