
2015 Nepal Earthquake Relief: A War Zone Without Enemies

CardioStart International is a charitable organization that provides free cardiovascular care and develops heart surgery programs around the world. On May 2, 2015, a team was scheduled to help initiate a cardiac program at Kathmandu University in Nepal, but less than one week before the team was due to arrive, the country was devastated by an earthquake that would ultimately claim over 9,000 lives. Kathmandu University was a major casualty center for most of eastern Nepal, and it asked that the CardioStart medical team travel as planned to assist in earthquake relief efforts. Of course no cardiac surgery was performed, but over 1,300 surgical procedures were done in two weeks at this location.

Notable moments in this brief video include a landslide during a second 7.3 magnitude earthquake that unearthed nearly 800 homes, and a community coming together to rebuild a decimated school for 300 children out of donated tents for classrooms. These clips are meant to not only illustrate the devastation, but also the impossible courage and fortitude of the Nepali people. It also shows how much the generous support received from The Thoracic Surgery Foundation, The Society of Thoracic Surgeons and its members, and Edwards Lifesciences was truly needed and greatly appreciated.

Nepal Earthquake Relief / CardioStart 2015 from Emily farkas on Vimeo.


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