
2023 ISMICS Presidential Address

At the 2023 Innovation, Technologies, and Techniques in Cardiothoracic and Cardiovascular/Vascular Surgery (ISMICS) annual meeting in late May, President Vinod Thourani made the keynote speech on mental health and collaboration among cardiothoracic surgeons. He spoke on the benefits of developing mental immunity in fostering innovation.


Dr. Thourani is the Bernie Marcus Chairman of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at Piedmont Healthcare and the Marcus Heart, Vascular, and Valve Center of the Piedmont Heart Institute in Atlanta, Georgia. He specializes in adult cardiac surgery, specifically valve surgery, and maintains a busy clinical practice. He is an established leader and has a strong presence in the academic space.

Stay tuned for more recorded sessions from the 2023 ISMICS annual meeting, brought to you by CTSNet.


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