
Complete Division of the Right Upper Lobe Vein with an Energy Device in a Microlobectomy

This video demonstrates a right upper lobe microlobectomy. It illustrates the complete division of the right upper lobe vein using only the Ethicon Enseal, a bipolar energy device. Only 5 mm instruments should be used in the intercostal spaces during a microlobectomy. For this reason, an energy device such as Enseal or Ligasure, may be a good alternative to a 12 mm stapler, Cardica microcutter, or Haemalock clips for dividing all the vessels from the subxiphoid port.

The key elements of microlobectomy are:

  • No incisions in the intercostal spaces larger than 5 mm
  • A 12 mm subxiphoid port
  • Subxiphoid removal of the resected specimen, above the diaphragm
  • CO2 insufflation
  • Vision through a 5 mm camera
  • Stapling of vascular structures using the Cardica 5 mm MicroCutter

For more information on microlobectomy, click here

Disclosure: Mr. Dunning has received payment for giving a talk on microlobectomy to Cardica employees. Mr. Dunning has not recieved support from Ethicon or Covidien. 


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