
Concomitant Intramyocardial and Pulmonary Hydatid Cyst: A Rare Case Report

Cardiac hydatid cyst is an uncommon but potentially fatal disease. Humans are accidental hosts of cystic echinococcosis, and the liver and lungs are the most frequently involved organs. This video shows a unique case of an intramyocardial hydatid cyst of the left ventricle and a pulmonary hydatid cyst in a 38-year-old female patient. Surgical removal of the cardiac hydatid cyst was done with the aid of cardiopulmonary bypass, followed by removal of the pulmonary hydatid cyst.


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  1. I understand that you made 2 incisions ( sternotmy and right posterolateral thoracotomy ) and you started first with sternotomy to remove the LV hydatid cyst . I think it was possible to remove the lung cyst through the mid sternotomy . How you repaired the LV after removal of the cyst ? Was there any other hydatid cyst in the liver ? Do you maintain the patient on albendazole postoperatively and for how long ?

  2. Thank you for your comment @ ibrahim khadragi
    1. We tried to remove the pulmonary cyst also through the sternotomy incision but as it was placed too laterally there was danger of the contents getting spilled.
    2. We repaired the LV with 5-0 polypropylene pledgeted sutures
    3. This patient did not have any cyst in the liver
    4. We kept the patient in post operative tab albendazole 400 mg Bd for 4 months

  3. Nice job but don’t call it “unique case”. I performed and reported the same procedure … 35 years ago !! ( Aris A, Leon C, Bonnin JO, Serra C, Caralps JM. “One-stage surgical treatment of cardiac and pulmonar echinococcosis”. Ann Thorac Surg 31: 564-568, 1981) “There is no new thing under the sun” (Eclesiastés 1:9) especially in cardiovascular surgery

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