
Diego Gonzalez Rivas, MD, FETCS

Diego Gonzalez Rivas, MD, FETCS, is the creator of the uniportal VATS lobectomy procedure. Joel Dunning, FRCS, PhD sat down with Dr. Gonzalez Rivas at the 2013 Annual EACTS Meeting in Vienna, to discuss how this innovative procedure was developed. Dr. Gonzalez Rivas talks about the origin of the procedure, shares insights for successful uniportal VATS lobectomies, and discusses of the future of VATS procedures.

For more information on Uniportal VATS, please see Dr. Gonzalez Rivas’s articles: Situs Inversus Uniportal Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Left Middle Lobecomy and Uniportal Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Lobectomy of a Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation and Broncho-Vascular Atresia. More information on the International Symposium on Uniportal VATS can be found here.


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