
Different Challenges, Different Needs: Cardiac Surgery and the Elderly Patient

Cardiac surgeons and allied health care professionals are faced with a changing and challenging patient population, as the number of octogenarians and nonagenarians increases. A geriatrician, surgeon, and nurse practitioner share their views and discuss their work with elderly patients.

Quality of Life One Year After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Fredrike Zwiers-Blokzijl

Octogenarians and Surgery: The View of the Surgeon
Erik Beckmann

The Older Patient
Rozemarijn van Bruchem-Visser

These educational presentations were originally given during the 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery in Amsterdam 2015. This content is published with the permission of EACTS. For more information on EACTS educational programs, please click here


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