
Discordant Atrioventricular Connections for Congenital Morphology Video Sessions

By  Robert H. Anderson, MD, FRCPath

Introductory Remarks

The following collection of video presentations has been generated by Professor Robert H. Anderson, using specimens from the Farouk S. Idriss Cardiac Registry at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago (formerly Children's Memorial Hospital).* The archive was assembled initially by Dr. Idriss, and has been carefully conserved and expanded over the years by Drs. Constantine Mavroudis and Carl L. Backer. The archive now contains over 2500 cardiac specimens, the best of which have been selected for these video presentations by Prof. Anderson, a frequent visiting anatomist and morphologist at Lurie Children's. In this set of video clips, we illustrate the essential features of congenitally corrected transposition, showing the associated lesions that serve potentially to uncorrect the circulatory patterns, along with the "close-cousins" with alternative ventriculo-arterial connections.

Introduction to Congenitally Corrected Transposition

In this set of video clips, we begin with an introduction to the heart registry and the work Professor Anderson has done in Chicago with congenitally malformed hearts. He introduces us to the series of congenitally corrected transposition, explaining that the essence of the lesion is discordant connection between the atrial and ventricular chambers, coupled in the setting of transposition with discordant ventriculo-arterial connections.

Introduction to Congenitally Corrected Transposition


Discordant Atrioventricular Connections Videos

  • Discordant Atrioventricular Connections 1: Congenitally Corrected Transposition [Large/High bandwidth video]
  • Discordant Atrioventricular Connections 2: Congenitally Corrected Transposition with Ventricular Septal Defect  [Large/High bandwidth video]
  • Discordant Atrioventricular Connections 3: Congenitally Corrected Transposition with Pulmonary Atresia  [Large/High bandwidth video]
  • Discordant Atrioventricular Connections 4: Rarer Lesions associated with Congenitally Corrected Transposition  [Large/High bandwidth video]

*Since filming, Children’s Memorial Hospital has been renamed Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and has been relocated to its new home in downtown Chicago.



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