
Ethics of COVID-19 Management and Resource Utilization

Ethical questions for surgeons surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic are addressed by an expert panel of surgical colleagues with exceptional accomplishments in the field of medical ethics. Cardiac surgeon Dr Emily Farkas moderates a session with:

Dr Robert Sade, Director of the Institute of Human Values in Health Care at the Medical University of South Carolina, and Chair of the Cardiothoracic Ethics Forum, a joint committee of the STS and AATS.

Dr Peter Angelos, the Linda Kohler Anderson Professor of Surgery and Surgical Ethics at the University of Chicago, Vice Chair for Ethics, Professional Development, and Wellness in the Department of Surgery, Chief of Endocrine Surgery, and Associate Director of the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics.

Dr Kathleen Fenton from the National Institutes of Health, Deputy Branch Chief of Advanced Technologies and Surgery Branch, Division of Cardiovascular Sciences at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, and Affiliated Scholar in the Department of Bioethics.

For additional information on this topic, view this article on ethical considerations for cardiothoracic surgeons in pandemics.

Due to the breadth of topics covered, the roundtable video is available in two parts.

Part 1

Part 2


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