
Global COVID Grand Rounds

On Friday, April 3, more than 1200 international attendees engaged in a live, interactive virtual grand rounds to dissect the impact and implications of COVID-19. The  event was moderated by Tom C. Nguyen (Chief of Cardiac Surgery, University of Texas – Memorial Hermann, Houston), Joanna Chikwe (Chairman of Cardiac Surgery, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles), and Brian Mitzman (Assistant Professor, NYU Langone, New York).

A revered global panel of speakers and their topics delved into the pandemic’s effects within the cardiothoracic community and beyond. The archived version is now available. The list of speakers and topics are below, along with links to take you directly to that portion of the video.

To go directly to specific speakers and their topics, please click on each title:

We’re at the frontline: How do we protect ourselves?
David Nabarro (World Health Organization Special Envoy for Coronavirus)

COVID-19 – We’re all going to get it, if we don’t have it already.
Marcello Tavio (President of the Italian Society of Infectious Disease)

I’m a cardiac surgeon and have COVID-19: Now What?
Isaac George (Columbia Presbyterian, New York)

Hello world, what could we have done differently?
Gino Gerosa (Chief of Cardiac Surgery, Padova University, Italy)

When (if) the COVID dust settles, what wil be the long-term impact to economies and health care institutions?
Tomislav Mihaljevic (President and CEO of the Cleveland Clinic)

Managing COVID-19 patients: Therapies and Trials
Vinod Thourani (Chief of Cardiac Surgery, Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta, Georgia)

Ground Zero in New York: Our hospital before and during the surge. What have we learned?
Chinnu Ancha (Emergency Room Doctor, Bronx, New York)


While this information related to the COVID-19 pandemic is provided with the best of intentions, CTSNet is not responsible for the accuracy of it. Please also note that given the rapidly shifting nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the appropriateness of this information may well change over time. Please review our full disclaimer page here.


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