
Heart Surgery Mission to Ghana September 2022

In September, a team from James Cook University Hospital embarked on their fourth Edwards Every Heartbeat Matters Arythmia Alliance cardiac surgical mission to Ghana, where they worked with medical professionals at University of Ghana Medical Center in Accra. Thoracic surgeon Joel Dunning documented the experience in a series of daily videos, which you can view below.

Surgical missions are an essential pillar in the healthcare systems of many West African countries. Since the first successful West African open-heart surgery in 1964, hospitals in Ghana have been working continuously to build a robust cardiothoracic surgery program. Unfortunately, the healthcare system has not been able to support training and employment of enough surgeons and allied professionals to get programs off the ground, which means thousands of patients who need surgical interventions for cardiothoracic health issues cannot access them. 

For more on the history and importance of surgical missions in West Africa, read this article by Emmanuel Agbozo.

Travel & Day 1

Day 2 & Day 3

Day 4 & Day 5


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