
Implantation of a Total Artificial Heart



This video shows the case of a twenty-six-year-old mother of four with a history of BRCA 2 gene mutation, breast cancer, bilateral mastectomies, and radiotherapy. The patient developed dilated cardiomyopathy requiring emergency VA ECMO. She was highly sensitized, with cPRA at 95 percent and multiple failed attempts at VA ECMO wean. She underwent implantation of the total artificial heart (TAH) at the University of Washington Medical Center, proctored by Dr. Francisco Arabia of Banner Health/University of Arizona, as a bridge to heart transplant candidacy. Following implantation of the TAH, she had an uneventful recovery, underwent desensitization, and subsequently had a heart transplant.


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  1. Too simplistic a presentation. The video is poor quality. The operative site occupies about 10% of the frame. Today’s optics allows for tremendous views, which we do not see here. Atrial cuffs are key to success. Not shown here. Positioning in the chest and closure of the sternum is not shown. Interesting case, but poor instructional video of the placement of a TAH.

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