
ISMICS 2022 Cardiac Masters Session 2A: Aortic Valve and Aorta

Watch the June 17 recording of the ISMICS 2022 Cardiac Masters Session 2A: Aortic Valve and Aorta. Topics discussed include minimally invasive cardiac surgery aortic valve replacement (MICS AVR), truly endoscopic aortic valve replacement (TEAVR), endoscopic robotic aortic valve replacement with percutaneous cannulation, thoracotomy minimally invasive AVR and MVR repair, partial upper sternotomy, and TAVR in the forefront.



Presentations were moderated by Francis Ferdinand and Marco Vola. The session also included Q&As between the audience and panel of presenters, made up of cardiac surgeons from across the world. Explore other ISMICS cardiothoracic programs by visiting their website.


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