
Live on CTSNet: 2019 ESTS Annual Meeting

The 2019 Annual Meeting of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) was held in Dublin, Ireland, June 9-12, 2019. On June 9-11, presentations from the meeting streamed live on CTSNet. Did you miss the livestream? Watch these sessions below, in the CTSNet YouTube channel, or on ESTS TV.

Sunday, June 9

  • Postgraduate Symposium Master Cup
  • Database and Quality Certification
  • Key Papers Through the Year
  • Black Swan Operations
  • Video Abstracts

Monday, June 10

  • Tracheal and Airway Surgery, presented with the Brazilian Society of Thoracic Surgery
  • Robotic Surgery
  • Lung Surgery of the Future, presented with ISMICS

Tuesday, June 11

  • Innovative/Experimental Abstracts
  • Esophagus/Mediastinum Abstracts
  • Pulmonary Neoplastic Abstracts


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