
Most Popular Altmetric Content of 2019

Altmetric data “badges” are appended to new educational videos and articles published on CTSNet.org. Altmetric tracks the online impact of CTSNet videos and articles, including related social media activity, blog mentions, and other references on a broad variety of web platforms. As the year comes to a close, the CTSNet staff present the five highest scoring CTSNet articles as determined by Altmetric for 2019:

Pictured: The Altmetric badge for “Isolated Endoscopic Tricuspid Valve Surgery”

  1. Isolated Endoscopic Tricuspid Valve Surgery
    Abdelrahman Abdelbar, Joseph Zacharias
  2. Mitral Valve Repair: Five Techniques for 95% Repair
    Kevin Hodges, Stephanie Mick, Per Wierup, Daniel Burns, Alan Gillinov
  3. Type A Dissection Repair With Fenestrated Frozen Elephant Trunk
    Kyle Eudailey
  4. Surgical Training for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
    David Fullerton, J. James Edelman, Anita Krueger, Tom C. Nguyen, Tsuyoshi Kaneko
  5. Mastering Bronchoscopy for Thoracic Surgery
    Khalid Amer

CTSNet is accepting submissions for 2020! To submit your video or expert technique to CTSNet, please click here.


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