
The New Era of Uniportal Robotic Surgery: An Interview with Diego Gonzalez Rivas

This interview with Diego Gonzalez Rivas, performed during his recent visit to the James Cook University Hospital in the UK, covers the evolution of his new technique to combine uniportal VATS with robotic surgery. Dr. Gonzalez Rivas explains how he came up with the idea and how the technique might benefit both uniportal VATS surgeons and multiportal robotic surgeons. He also explains the Xi surgical system and gives his most important tips to making a successful start with this technique. 



To see how Dr. Gonzalez Rivas sets up for this technique, watch his exclusive CTSNet video: “Uniportal Robotic Surgery: A Step by Step Guide by Diego Gonzalez Rivas.”


This is an off-label use of the Intuitive Robotic system and all surgeons using this approach do so at their own risk. The opinions and views of Joel Dunning, Diego Gonzalez Rivas, and Mugurel Bosânceanu with regard to this technique are their own and do not represent the views of Intuitive surgical, who are still evaluating this technique for safety and efficacy.

The authors otherwise have no financial interest in Uniportal Robotic surgery, other than that Joel Dunning is a proctor for multiportal Robotic surgery for Intuitive.

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