
Paul Sergeant, MD

Dr. Sergeant is a past president of the European Association of Cardio-thoracic Surgery and is is the clinical director of the K.U.Leuven OPCAB Training and Re-training School. Dr. Sergeant discusses off-pump surgery techniques and provides tips for performing the procedures.

Paul Sergeant, MDDr. Sergeant is a past EACTS president and has served on a host of committess for multiple organisations including EACTS, CTSNET, BACTS, AND ASCVS. His research interests include outcome analysis using complex mathematical modeling, quality control and auditing of clinical data, and study of multimodal transfer of tacit and codified knowledge and his PhD was in Hazard Analysis in coronary artery surgery. He has over 100 international publications.


Dr. Sergeant is from the University Hospital Gasthuisberg in Belgium. He is the clinical director of the K.U.Leuven OPCAB Training and Re-training School that has taught over 800 clinicians the techniques of off-pump surgery. Here, Dr. Sergeant discusses off-pump surgery, describing his techniques and providing tips.

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