
Preoperative Holographic Assessment of Pulmonary Anatomy

Holography is a method of creating three-dimensional images called holograms. These are made by superimposing a second wavefront, usually defined as a reference beam, on the wavefront of interest. This produces an interference pattern, which is then recorded on a physical medium (1). 

Holograms are used in many fields, including logistics, search and rescue operations, military missions, and biomedicine (surgeries in particular). At the preoperative level, 3D holograms can be used to maximize information on patient’s anatomy and help plan the best surgical strategy. The surgeon can use 3D holographic models to assess tumor location and extension as well as its relation to closer structures. Moreover, from a cognitive point of view, 3D holographic preoperative assessment provides surgeons with valuable support both in spatial imagination and mental rotation (2). 

This video reports a preoperative holographic assessment from a standard preoperative CT scan of a patient undergoing a left upper lobectomy for cancer. The left upper lobe usually presents the higher variability grade in terms of vascular anatomy, thus maximally benefitting from preoperative 3D holographic evaluation. 

The authors of this article and accompanying video would like to extend special thanks to www.artinessreality.com. 


  1. Gabor D. A new microscopic principle. Nature. 161 (4098): 777–8
  2. Triberti S, Petrella F, Gorini A, Pappalardo O, Sebri V, Savioni L, Redaelli A, Pravettoni G. Augmenting surgery: medical students' assessment and ergonomics of 3D holograms vs. CT Scans for pre- operative planning. EAI Endorsed Trans. Pervasive Health Technol. 2021; 7(25):e5.


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