
Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub

Sir Magdi Yacoub, MD, is a leader in cardiac surgery. He is reputed to have performed more heart transplants than anyone else in the world. In this interview, Dr. Yacoub discusses the Ross procedure, Ross procedure clinical trials, and his trial results.

Photo of interview with Dr. Yacoub Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub is reputed to have performed more heart transplants than anyone else in the world having restarted the transplant program at the Harefield in 1980. The Harefield has now performed over 2500 transplants. He is currently Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery at Imperial College in London, leading over 60 researchers in tissue engineering, myocardial regeneration, stem cell biology, end stage heart failure and transplant immunology.

Dr. Yacoub is also well known for his charity work. In 1995 he founded the charity Chain of Hope, which has funded new heart surgery hospitals for children who would otherwise never get surgery in countries including Egypt, Ethiopia, Jamaica and Kenya. Dr. Yacoub leads teams of volunteers traveling to the Chain of Hope hospitals to provide training and expertise.

A leader in Ross procedure, he performed the only randomized controlled trial on the Ross procedure. In this interview he discusses his own trial results, showing a 99% freedom from reoperation.


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