
Right Lower Superior Segmentectomy Using ArtiSental Bipolar Precise Dissector

Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) has become the choice of modality for thoracic surgeons globally because it reduces the rate of postoperative morbidities and shortens hospital stay without compromise to oncological outcomes.

Recently, robotic surgery has gained popularity, offering greater precision via robotic wristed instruments under the latest 3D camera vision in abdominal as well as thoracic surgery. However, robotic surgery has two disadvantages: this system comes at a high price and has safety concerns, as the surgeon is away from the patient’s side. Wristed thoracoscopic instruments offer the robotic-like wristed manipulations in the hands of the surgeon by the patient's side (1).

This video reports a first case of VATS pulmonary segmentectomy, in which key parts of the procedure was performed using ArtiSential wristed instruments.


  1. Trevis J, Chilvers N, Freystaetter K, Dunning J. Surgeon-Powered Robotics in Thoracic Surgery; An Era of Surgical Innovation and Its Benefits for the Patient and Beyond. Frontiers in surgery. 2020;7:589565.


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