
Robert J. McKenna, MD

Surgery for Emphysema

Professor   Robert  J.  McKenna, Jr., MD   is   Medical Director   of   Thoracic  Surgery and Trauma at Cedars-Sinai, Los Angeles, CA. He pioneered the anterior approach   for   VATS   lobectomy   and   has   by   far   the   largest   experience   in   this technique. However, he has also served as the principal investigator on several trials, including the Z0030 trial on lymph node staging and also the NETT Trial. In   this   interview   surgery   for   emphysema   is   discussed   as well as   also   several   other subjects including lymphadenectomy, lung cancer screening, mediastinoscopy, and VATS lobectomy.


01:50 Surgery for Emphysema and the NETT Trial.
4:00 The categories of patient who most benefits
8:40 Tests prior to surgery 
10:11 The surgical technique for LVRS 
16:13 Post operative care 
17:47 Why LVRS is still not performed in large numbers 
20:03 Screening for Lung Cancer 
23:09 The Z0030 trial on lymph node staging versus lymphadenectomy 


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