
Robotic Resection of an Esophageal Leiomyoma

This case demonstrates the resection of a leiomyoma robotically. Preoperatively, the diagnosis was not made, and the leiomyoma was a surprise finding. The surgical team was set up for a robotic thoracic case but quickly discovered the diagnosis in the operation, bringing in a consultant upper GI surgeon to perform the case. 

First, the lesion was separated from the lung and the subcarinal station using a SynchroSeal robotic instrument. The lesion was then separated from the vertebral body, the outer smooth muscle layers were opened, and the leiomyoma was dissected out from the esophageal tissues. Care was taken near the mucosal layer, and a swallow test confirmed that there was no breach of the mucosa. The patient made an excellent recovery, and the final diagnosis was leiomyoma.


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