
Small Aortic Root Webinar—Annular Enlargement vs. Total Replacement

CTSNet had the great privilege of hosting an expert-filled roundtable on aortic root enlargement (AAE) vs. total root replacement (ARR) for the small aortic root. Barbara Hamilton moderated the debate alongside Vinod Thourani. They welcomed Bo Yang, Michael Reardon, Joseph Bavaria, and Ismail El-Hamamsy to discuss the topic in-depth.

The webinar formally introduced each expert panelist and platformed three distinct evidence-based presentations from Dr. Reardon, Dr. Yang, and Dr. El-Hamamsy. Following the presentations, all panelists engaged in an in-depth discussion regarding root procedures while taking live-Q&A questions.

Panelists ventured into a variety of important topics regarding the preoperatory and operatory factors of unique root procedures. The video includes embedded chapters that allow you to scan through the recording’s duration for specific topics engaged with by the panelists and live audience.


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