
Tricuspid Valve Replacement With a Mitral Homograft for Destructive Endocarditis

Tricuspid valve replacement in children is associated with non-negligible complication rate. Both mechanical and bioprosthetic valves have significant disadvantages in the tricuspid position in children, and tricuspid valve repair is preferred whenever possible. Tricuspid valve replacement with a cryopreserved mitral homograft has been described in limited case series, with excellent mid-term results in patients with a non-repairable valve. The objective of this video is to present the authors’ technique of tricuspid valve replacement with a mitral homograft.

Tricuspid valve replacement with a mitral homograft is an interesting alternative tool in the surgical armamentarium, particularly in a growing child with endocarditis. Although technically complex, it has shown excellent mid-term results. Long-term follow-up is currently unknown.


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