
What to Expect: EACTS 2022

In anticipation of the 36th Annual European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS) Meeting, CTSNet met with two representatives of the association. Dr. Rafael Sádaba Sagredo, secretary general and chair of the EACTS Education Committee, joined the discussion alongside Dr. Patrick Myers, secretary general elect and chair of the adult cardiac surgery domain.



In this brief discussion, Rafael and Patrick answered meeting-related questions regarding highly anticipated topics, cardiothoracic surgery figureheads to be in attendance, emerging fields of interest, Europe’s role in cardiothoracic surgery, and digital viewership platforms.

Late and on-site registration is still open! Join the scientific program and educational festivities with international peers from October 5–8. For additional information regarding the annual meeting, visit the EACTS meeting page. To register in-person and for EACTS TV channel access, visit the EACTS registration page.


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