
William Walker, FRCS

April 1st 2012 is the 20th Anniversary of VATS lobectomy at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Twenty years ago, Dr. William Walker performed a left upper lobectomy using a 3-port approach standing in the posterior position. Now approaching his thousandth operation, he discusses his first VATS lobectomy and his current techniques.

Dr. William WalkerThe 1st of April 2012 is the 20th Anniversary of VATS lobectomy at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. The first left upper lobectomy was perfomed by Dr. William Walker, using a 3 port approach standing in the posterior position, using methods very similar to those he uses today.

Dr. Walker is widely regarded as Europe’s premier expert in VATS lobectomy and has taught more surgeons than any other in Europe over the last 20 years.

Now approaching his thousandth operation, he discusses his first VATS lobectomy and his current techniques. Included is video footage of a right upper lobectomy, left upper lobectomy, a trisegmentectomy, and station 7 and 2/4 lymph node dissections.

Dr. Walker also discusses the upcoming 20th Anniversary VATS lobectomy conference that will be held between the 1st and the 3rd of November 2012 in Edinburgh. For more information on this conference contact education@rcsed.ac.uk.


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