
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in cardiopulmonary disease in adults.

In this extensive review, the authors focus on extracorproreal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), both for cardiac and respiratory failure. They describe the explosive increase in ECMO use, the expanding indications, and the need for more evidence-based use. Moreover, they review the cannulation strategies, current indications and potential future applications.


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  1. This technology can allow us to give time to a patient to live to either declare himself or give the family time to be with the patient at the time of death. However, there are many ethical considerations with ECMO. Just because we can make someone live a little longer so not necessarily mean that we should if we know the care will be futile and there is no chance of the patient surviving.

  2. This technology can allow us to give time to a patient to live to either declare himself or give the family time to be with the patient at the time of death. However, there are many ethical considerations with ECMO. Just because we can make someone live a little longer so not necessarily mean that we should if we know the care will be futile and there is no chance of the patient surviving.

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