
In Global News: Coughing Up a Lung Cast, Heart Xenotransplantation, and Medical Record Reading Software

Patient Care and General Interest

A patient who had been admitted to the intensive care unit for chronic heart failure coughed up a cast of his right bronchial tree made of coagulated blood.

A Kaiser Health News article discusses the challenges patients can face to cover the cost of organ transplant in the US and the importance for transplant centers to ensure that patients can afford the treatment, which has a much greater need than availability.

The American Medical Association highlights approaches from different institutions around the US that are geared toward creating a healthier work environment for physicians.

Amazon has developed software that it says can pull information from digitized patient records and clinical notes.


Drugs and Devices

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommended that percutaneous repair of the mitral valve with a leaflet clip be more widely available across the National Health System in England.


Research, Trials, and Funding

Researchers from Germany report the transplantation of pig hearts into baboons, with two of the baboons surviving for six months.


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