
In Global News: Rapid Heart Transplants, Gender and Esophageal Cancer, and Broad Skills Versus Specialization

Patient Care

Two critically ill patients receive heart transplants within 4 hours in a hospital in Mumbai, India, thanks to efficient and quick transport of the organs.

A report in the World Journal of Surgery says that the primary skills of US surgeons, being ever more specialized, don’t align with the procedures that comprise the majority of work performed by groups like Médecins Sans Frontières.


Drugs and Devices

A confidentiality commitment has been signed as part of ongoing increased information exchange between the European Medicines Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration.


Research, Trials, and Funding

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, USA, find that women have a better outcomes than men following chemotherapy and radiation prior to surgery for advanced esophageal cancer.

Surgeons in New York City, USA, find evidence that questions prophylactic insertion of inferior vena cava filters in patients with traumatic spinal cord injury.


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