
In Global News: Stage IV Lung Cancer Patient Completes IRONMAN, Youngest Person in USA to Receive Heartmate 3, and Carpal Tunnel Link to Cardiac Amyloidosis

Patient Care and General Interest

The Boston Marathon race director, who has run the marathon 46 straight times, underwent triple bypass surgery last Friday at Boston’s Massachusetts General Hospital.

A 12-year-old patient at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford in Palo Alto, California, USA, recently became the youngest and smallest person in the country to receive a HeartMate 3 ventricular assist device.

A study published in Cancer Prevention Research suggests that due to the success of tobacco controls in California, USA, annual lung cancer mortality in the state during 2013 was 28 percent lower than in the rest of the country.

A woman with stage IV lung cancer completed the IRONMAN World Championship race in Kailua Kona, Hawaii, USA, this past Saturday.


Research, Trials, and Funding

A study just published in the Journal of the American Heart Association suggests that a history of percutaneous coronary intervention has a minimal effect on CABG outcomes.

A study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, indicates that biopsies of hand tissue in carpal tunnel patients could detect early signs of cardiac amyloidosis.


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