
In Global News: Woman Runs 5K After Double-Lung Transplant and Robotic Aortic Valve Replacement

A multidisciplinary team led by Bob Kiaii at the London Health Sciences Centre in Ontario, Canada, has reportedly completed the world's first robotic performance of a specific aortic valve replacement procedure in a patient with aortic stenosis.

The charity Tiny Tickers is launching a campaign with the goal of ensuring that all maternity wards across the United Kingdom have access to machines for detecting heart defects in newborns.

A woman with cystic fibrosis living in Holbrook, Massachusetts, USA, recently completed her first 5K race after receiving a double-lung transplant.

After reports of several patient injuries, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has announced a Class I recall for a batch of warfarin test strips used with point-of-care or in-home devices to adjust warfarin dosing.

Research published in The Journal of Nuclear Medicine suggests that a new nuclear medicine tracer could improve the diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer.


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