
Tricuspid regurgitation is uncommon after mitral valve repair for degenerative diseases

David and colleagues investigate tricuspid regurgitation (TR) before and after mitral valve (MV) repair in a retrospective analysis of over 1000 patients. TR was present prior to surgery in 11.8% of cases and new postoperative TR was not common. The authors suggest that their findings support repairing the MV before TR develops.

Commentary from Gillinov and collegues, Dreyfus, and Chikwe and Adams adds to the discussion on tricuspid annuloplasty during degenerative mitral repair:

The tricuspid valve: If it's not broken, don't fix it. Marc Gillinov, Stephanie Mick, Kenneth McCurry, Jose Navia.

Functional tricuspid pathology: To treat or not to treat? That is the question. Gilles D. Dreyfus.

The donkey's shadow. Joanna Chikwe, David H. Adams.

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