
Tricuspid Valve Academic Research Consortium Definitions for Tricuspid Regurgitation and Trial Endpoints

Recently, the Tricuspid Valve Academic Research Consortium (TVARC) released its first document, a consensus statement aimed at bridging the current knowledge gaps in the study of tricuspid regurgitation (TR). The current classification of TR is not uniform, and as such it is challenging to stratify and study disease outcomes, especially in a growing field where transcatheter alternates to surgery are also being studied. This first document by the consortium aims to address these knowledge gaps and standardize the terminology and gives general endpoints for trials to allow for better study of the disease and promote research. The authors report that a second paper is underway, which will go into more granular detail to characterize this disease even further.Recently, the Tricuspid Valve Academic Research Consortium (TVARC) released its first document, a consensus statement aimed at bridging the current knowledge gaps in the study of tricuspid regurgitation (TR). The current classification of TR is not uniform, and as such it is challenging to stratify and study disease outcomes, especially in a growing field where transcatheter alternates to surgery are also being studied. This first document by the consortium aims to address these knowledge gaps and standardize the terminology and gives general endpoints for trials to allow for better study of the disease and promote research. The authors report that a second paper is underway, which will go into more granular detail to characterize this disease even further.


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