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Who can participate in CTSNet?

All cardiothoracic surgeons, including those in training, are invited to become verified CTSNet participants. CTSNet also invites any professional in a related field to join our community as an associate. Associates can be anesthesiologists, cardiologists, perfusionists, physician assistants, nurses, data managers, and staff that support cardiothoracic surgery professional organizations or training programs.

What if my professional organization is not yet participating in CTSNet?

Qualified individuals may become CTSNet participants or associates even if their professional
organizations are not yet participating in the CTSNet community. However, CTSNet encourages you to
tell your professional organization about CTSNet or join a CTSNet Participating Organization.

Why become a CTSNet Participant or Associate?

Healthcare professionals across the globe, as well as members of the public, come to CTSNet.org to
locate cardiothoracic surgeons and access CTSNet’s rich educational content. By participating in CTSNet, you will automatically receive a CTSNet profile page, which you can edit to reflect your educational
background, professional achievements, and cardiothoracic surgery-related interests. Your profile will also reflect your membership in participating organizations, as well as your participation in any
governance bodies of organizations involved in CTSNet. If your cardiothoracic surgery professional
organization isn’t currently a CTSNet participant, encourage it to become one. Join the CTSNet community today!

How can I become a CTSNet participant?

To become a participant, fill out the CTSNet CTSNet Participant Application Form and CTSNet will send you your CTSNet ID and password. There is no registration fee to join CTSNet.

Why should cardiothoracic surgery professional organizations participate in CTSNet?

CTSNet is the major online forum for cardiothoracic surgery. Cardiothoracic organizations should join
CTSNet to connect with the global cardiothoracic surgery community and gain exposure to a premiere
network of healthcare professionals. For additional benefits, see the full list of Participating Organization benefits.

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